Key Recommendation for UNGA resolution 2019 : A focus to the rights of the children without parental care or risk of losing parental care

UN Alternative care guideline promotion

आमाबाबा र परिवारसंगै हुर्कन पाउने अधिकारबाट बन्चित तथा बन्चितहुने जोखिममा रहेका बालबालिकाको अधिकारको : संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघ सभा २०१९ का संकल्पका लागि मुख्य सिफारिसहरू 

There are eight recommendations for the 2019 UNGA resolution to protect and promote the rights of children who are without parental care or at risk of losing the care. The recommendations are categorized as follows 

1. Recognize and prioritize the role of families

2. Support families and prevent unnecessary family-child separation

3. Protect children without parental care and ensure high-quality, appropriate alternative care

4. Recognize the harm of institutional care for children and prevent institutionalization

5. Strengthen child welfare and protection systems and services

6. Ensure adequate financial and human resources

7. Improve data collection and regular reporting

8. Ensure full participation of children without parental or family care

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